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Configuration file reference#

The default k0smotron configuration file is a YAML file that contains the following values:

kind: Cluster
  name: k0smotron-test
  replicas: 1
  k0sImage: k0sproject/k0s
  k0sVersion: v1.27.1-k0s.0
    type: NodePort
    apiPort: 30443
    konnectivityPort: 30132
    type: emptyDir

spec Key Detail#

Element Description
replicas Replicas is the desired number of replicas of the k0s control planes. If unspecified, defaults to 1. If the value is above 1, k0smotron requires kine datasource URL to be set.
k0sImage The k0s image to be deployed.
K0sVersion The k0s version to be deployed.
externalAddress ExternalAddress defines k0s external address. See
service Service defines the service configuration.
persistence Persistence defines the persistence configuration.
kineDataSourceURL Defines the kine datasource URL. Required for HA controlplane setup. Must be set if replicas > 1.
k0sConfig Defines k0sConfig defines the k0s configuration. Note, that some fields will be overwritten by k0smotron. If empty, will be used default configuration. More info:


Element Description
type Service type. Possible values: NodePort,LoadBalancer
apiPort Defines the kubernetes API port.
konnectivityPort Defines the konnectivity port.


Element Description
type Persistence type. Possible values: emptyDir,hostPath,pvc
hostPath Defines the host path configuration. Will be used as is in case of .spec.persistence.type is hostPath.
persistentVolumeClaim Defines the PVC configuration. Will be used as is in case of .spec.persistence.type is pvc.

K0s configuration#

K0smotron allows you to configure k0s via spec.k0sConfig field. If empty, will be used default configuration. More info about the k0s config:

Note: some fields will be overwritten by k0smotron. K0smotron will set the following fields:

  • spec.k0sConfig.spec.api.externalAddress will be set to the value of spec.externalAddress if spec.externalAddress is set. If not, k0smotron will use load balancer IP or try to detect externalAddress out of nodes IP addresses.
  • spec.k0sConfig.spec.api.port will be set to the value of spec.service.apiPort.
  • spec.k0sConfig.spec.konnectivity.port will be set to the value of spec.service.konnectivityPort.
  • will be set to the value of spec.kineDataSourceURL if spec.kineDataSourceURL is set. will be set to kine.