Highly available hosted control planes#
Highly available control planes are supported for the standalone and Cluster API in-cluster use cases.
Setting up a highly available etcd cluster for Kubernetes control planes can be complicated due to their dynamic nature. In k0smotron, we solve this challenge by "externalizing" the HA setup of data storage for the control plane.
The control planes managed by k0smotron are k0s control planes. As k0s comes with support for using SQL databases as data store, which uses Kine, you can use HA databases instead of etcd. This enables you to use, for example, Postgres operator, MySQL operator, or cloud provider managed databases as the data store for the control planes.
Using Postgres operator#
This instruction demonstrates how to configure the Postgres operator to manage the data store of a control plane. Use these steps as an example for the required data store resource.
Install the Postgres operator following the quickstart guide.
Create the database using a custom resource:
apiVersion: "acid.zalan.do/v1" kind: postgresql metadata: name: acid-minimal-cluster spec: teamId: "acid" volume: size: 10Gi numberOfInstances: 2 users: # database owner k0smotron: - superuser - createdb databases: kine: k0smotron postgresql: version: "15"
Once you set up the database, configure k0smotron to create a control plane:
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: k0smotron.io/v1beta1 kind: Cluster metadata: name: k0smotron-test spec: replicas: 3 service: type: LoadBalancer kineDataSourceURL: postgres://k0smotron:<passwd>@acid-minimal-cluster.default:5432/kine?sslmode=disable EOF
You can also use the reference to the secret containing the database credentials:
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: database-credentials namespace: k0smotron-test type: Opaque data: K0SMOTRON_KINE_DATASOURCE_URL: <base64-encoded-datasource> --- apiVersion: k0smotron.io/v1beta1 kind: Cluster metadata: name: k0smotron-test spec: replicas: 3 service: type: LoadBalancer kineDataSourceSecretName: database-credentials EOF
!!! note
The secret must be in the same namespace as the cluster and the key must be `K0SMOTRON_KINE_DATASOURCE_URL`.